Traditionally held in January, the Detroit auto show is going to meet its participants and guests in June from 2020 and further on, preliminary due to the fact that many automakers prefer to join the week-earlier Consumer Electronics Show, while the rest are no more interested in auto shows at all. Therefore, January, 2019 will be the last time, the show will be arranged in winter.

Auto show’s hosts understand that it will be rather difficult to attract new audience for the event. Preliminary due to the fact that automakers prefer to hold own less costly events to present their novelties. However, Detroit show contributors believe that they will be able to attract a new generation of tech-save users and lots of journalists.

It took 250 Detroit show stakeholders about a year to plan the event and another several months to make all arrangements. The Detroit Auto Dealers Association (DADA) believes that the show, which former has been one of the most significant in the world, will boost the industry and provoke new interest to this kind of events.

Rod Alberts, the Executive Director at DADA & NAIAS, hopes that the show will help to attract new audience right on the streets of Detroit. He added that the format of the show will be limited only by Detroit’s streets location and imagination of the participants.

According to the plan, car makers, dealers, IT and tech companies from various countries will introduce their products and solutions both inside and outside the halls of Cobo Center.

The hosts have already proposed to include the following activities and events into the schedule of the show:

  • Test drives of new autos;
  • Demonstration of on and off-road capabilities of new vehicles;
  • Test drives of self-driving cars in the city on public roads;
  • Demonstrations that allow to watch sport cars and other dynamic vehicles in action;
  • Demonstrations of advanced tech solutions in real environment.

Doug North, representing North Brothers Ford in Westland and DADA’s president and 2020 Detroit’s show chairman is aware that drivers from all over the world are looking for a new driving experience, they want to tough and try new vehicles and solutions, rather to watch them.

Probably, this is due to continuous crisis in auto making industry, or due to internal problems, but some other shows will face the same problems with a lack of auto debuts. These are the Paris auto show this October and Geneva show in March 2019. Several automakers declared that they will miss out these events.

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